
A complete rebranding for a digital marketing solution designed to accelerate restaurant growth.
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Industry :
Food & Drink
Scope of work :
Comprehensive branding
Website UX & UI
Visual identity
Tone of voice & messaging
Brand platform
Brand positioning & narrative

Malou is a SaaS platform that combines an online tool with human support tailored to the needs of each restaurant owner - to help them grow their business online. Our goal was to bring more consistency to their identity and reaffirm its positioning by taking into consideration their different targets: from restaurant owners for whom social media is a piece of cake, to those who may be less familiar with technology.

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On a été ravis de travailler avec Alasta ! L'équipe a su construire une identité visuelle qui nous ressemble et que l'on adore !!

Louiza Hacene
Cofounder & CEO @Malou
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